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How to Improve Your Website’s Google Ranking

  • By Joanna
  • Thursday March 31st, 2022

It should be noted that the first Google result receives 31.7 per cent of all clicks, while the second page receives only .78 per cent of clicks. Achieving top Google rankings is the pinnacle of online business success. Search engine optimization is the most time-consuming form of marketing. Building your authority and rankings can take years.

The truth is that it takes ingenuity, dedication, perseverance, and creativity. This is especially true given Google’s algorithm’s ever-changing nature.

Let’s start with on-page SEO basics to help you understand the new SEO rules, learn how to optimize for both humans and search algorithm crawlers, and master both on-page and off-page SEO.

On-page SEO

On-page SEO is optimizing individual pages to increase ranking and relevant organic traffic. This article will give you several On-page SEO tips:

●      Publish relevant and compelling content: 

Quality content tailored to your target audience increases site traffic, boosting your site’s authority and relevance. Enhance your content writing skills and establish yourself as an expert on the subject matter you’re writing about.

Choose and target a unique keyword phrase for each authoritative content page on your website. Unless the phrases are comparable, it is tough for a website to obtain search engine rankings for multiple keyword phrases.

A single page may rank for nearly the exact keywords. But single page ranking for various keywords is unlikely. The importance of readability and usability outweigh the importance of search engine optimization.

●      Regularly Update Your Content

Search engines care a lot about content. Keep your content up to date because it is regarded as one of the best indicators of a site’s relevance. Regularly evaluate your content and make updates as necessary.

●      Use Outbound Links

The most successful strategy to increase traffic to your website is through outbound links. Many businesses make a mistake of not including links to other websites or articles. These links demonstrate to Google that the article is both valid and informative, necessary for ranking. 

As a result, if you aren’t already, include outbound links in each of your articles. The links are relevant to your content and come from reliable, high-quality sources.

●      Use Internal Linking

Internal linking is essential for decreasing a website’s bounce rate and optimizing it because it connects the different pages. Users stay on the website for a longer time, and site traffic increases as their navigation experience are enhanced. Also, the bounce rate of your website is reduced.

Google bots are also designed to mimic user behaviour patterns and evaluate your website. A smart and efficient network of links on the pages assists crawlers in locating regions that users do not frequently visit, thereby increasing your site’s ranking.

●      Image Optimization 

Ensure that the file names for the images on your website include the target keyword. Additionally, your target keyword should be included in your image’s Alt Text. This will improve your article’s optimization and provide search engines with a clearer picture of the relevance of your article/page.

Images are an essential part of any website because they make visually appealing and informative pages. Optimizing your images should boost your ranking naturally. Furthermore, your image will be ranked high in Google image search.

●      Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to techniques that extend beyond the confines of a website. Off-page SEO is commonly associated with link building, but it is much more than that. The following are some suggestions:

●      Create high-quality backlinks

The most critical and challenging SEO strategy is link building. If your website lacks high-quality backlinks, it will not rank for competitive and high-traffic keywords. The websites with the most valuable and relevant backlinks will eventually rank higher than the others. The tricky part is obtaining those high-quality backlinks. So, today I’m going to show you one of my favourite methods for getting high-quality backlinks.

●      Skyscraper technique

Brian Dean introduced the skyscraper technique, which is a popular and effective method for improving search rankings and increasing the relevance of your website.

It consists of three steps:

➔ Find a linkable asset that you can reuse, one that is both informative and awesome. 

➔ Then, build on what’s already, making the content longer and adding more relevant keywords.

➔ Finally, contact the right people: those who work in your niche and have similar websites. Rather than sending out random cold emails, reach out to those with a reputation in the industry. Linking to their pages will significantly increase your traffic.

●      Broken link building 

Broken link building is a tactic that involves identifying broken links on websites in your business niche. The main goal is to replace the broken link with an active one that points to your content. The question now is how to automate the process of locating broken links. It can be done by using any tools available, for example, Check My Links.

●      Guestographics method

Guestographics is another link-building technique that makes use of infographics. Instead of publishing an infographic and begging others to share it, you push them to post it on their site in exchange for unique content.

●      Keep up to date on Google’s algorithm.

Google’s search algorithm is frequently updated. For example, on February 23rd, 2016, Google made significant changes to AdWords, removing all right-column ads and implementing 4-ad top blocks on many commercial searches. Although this was a paid search update, it significantly impacted CTR for both paid and organic results, particularly for competitive keywords. These types of changes must be understood in order to plan a site ranking strategy.

To summarise, while web pages are essential for our businesses and recognition, the keywords and, more importantly, the ranking determines whether we are significant or not. In conclusion, what Google considers significant or reliable is what the general public accepts.